Sunday, July 25, 2010

In the future.

Last week, I learned about Mr.Putter lived alone. He remembered when he was young, he wished a plane. Now he has his plane, but he is old. He decided to give his plane to children. He though the children will be happy, strong, and grown up believing in themselves.

The same with my life when I was young, I wished for a toy, but my family never bought for me, because I have a big family. There are 7 brothers and 1 sister, my mother took care of our family. Only my father was working, he was in the army,and make just enought money for food of the family. After several years, I grew up, I got married, I had children of my own. When they were little I bought a lot of toys for them but when they were 10 years old . They took their toys and gave them to the children who lived in an orphanage. They felt very happy, I was also very happy.
Today, I go to school every day. I haven't had a job a long time, but I still strive to improve. I am going to new classes to learn about giving care for old adult and elders living alone, or orphans who can't take care of themselves.

In my classes. There are 2 class offerings. One class is taught in Vietnamese language, the other in English language. Even though my English is not perfect, but I want to challenge myself. I chose to learn English language class. I always think ahead.
I wish I could get a job, and earn a lot of money. I will come back my native country or other country. I am going to buy a lot of toys or food for poor children. I love children.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

A near miss.

I go to Library twice a week. The street from my home to Library Renton is very near about 10 minutes driving.
One day, I went to Library. My house is at 904 Sunset Blvd Ne. When I turned left lane suddenly, there is a yellow taxi car on my right also turned left across my car. I felt very afraid, It occurred suddenly, I had no time to react, I couldn't calm down and then the taxi car turned right into the fire station, and backed up in front of my car, one more time my car almost hit it. I was very peeved, behind my car, an other car also very peeved same to me. They honked their horn. The taxi didn't follow the rules, and was very careless. I realized that if I had not been very careful, I would have gotten a ticket or gotten into an accident.
I'm a careful person. In the street, there will be injure even death can happen instantly if you not alert notice and careful.

Friday, July 16, 2010

A Perfect Day.

For me, a perfect day includes geting up early, exercising about 30 minutes, reading books 45 minutes, drinking a cup of milk in the morning, making some breakfast for children, reviewing lesson in my blogspot, reading some my friends's blogspot. And going to supermarket buy some foods, some stuff I need. Cooking some foods for dinner, having time to talk with my family and watch T.V. It's a my perfect day.
In my country, a perfect day includes going to beach in the morning, eating breakfast in outside and drink a cup of milk, talk together with my family and going to the park.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I came to the United State four years ago. I didn't have a car, It's very hard for us, and It's common with everybody lived in the US. If you do not have a car, you can not go to school or go to work. You will waste a lot of hours. The first year, I rented an apartment on 192rd St near Fairwood Library. We didn't have a car, my son went to school in Bellevue, he got up early, he walked to the bus station. It took him 45 minutes to walk to the bus stop, and another 45 minutes to get to school. He lost too much time. After that I bought an old car but It's not good, It was a gas guzzer, we sometimes had to fix it, and if It snowed in the winter, It stalled. It was terrible.
I decided to buy a new car but the insurance is too expensive, and there is not enough parking in school or downtown. If you go to downtown. You have to pay for paking in an expensive parking lot. Sometimes we had a little accident, by car go scratched by someone, but when I told my insurance agency, I had to pay for it, and my rates went up as well.
The best part about having a car is: It's very convenient for transportation.
The worst part about having a car is: Insurance is very expensive.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Best and Worst of: having a car.

I came to the United State four years ago. I didn't have a car. It's very hard for me, and It's common with everybody lived in the US. If you do not have a car,you can not go to school or go to work. You will spend a lot of hours in your life. The first hour, I rented in 192 st Ne near Fairwood Library. We didn't have a car, my son went to school in Bellvue. He got up early. He walked to the bus station about 45 minutes, he took bus to school about 45 minutes. He lost too much times. After I bought an old car, but It's not good, It used too much gas, sometimes had to fix, and in winter, if It's snow, my car became stall, very terible.
I decided to buy a new car, but insurance was too expensive, not enought parking lot in school or in downtown central. If you go to down town, you have to paid expensive parking lot. Sometimes has accident, my car has a scratch of someone(I didn't know), but I ask insurance agency, I had to paid amount of money, and insurance raise up too. It's complicated, so I want to learn more about insurance in the US
The best of having a car is: It's very convenient for transport.
The worst of having a car is: Paid too much insurance.

Friday, July 9, 2010

The new class in Summer.

Hi! My name is Dung, I'm from Vietnam. I want to learn more English about culture and history,geography of the other country. I say hello to new friends. I invite to everybody to my blog and talk about customs, foods, celerations of their country.
In my country, the weather is very hot and crowded, but the beach is very long, it stretch from South to North and are beautiful. In the Summer, almost of the peole like to go the beach. The costumes and celerations are the same as China. The New year is January(lunar calendar)and lasts over a month. You can to travel to my country, you can see everything is very new: new houses, new cars, new motocycles, and people wear new clothes in the New year. You can see fireworks at midnight of the New year. This is a custom of Vietnam.