Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Star fruit tree.

Once upon a time, a family with two brothers lived in a small village. When their parents died, the greedy old brother took over almost fortune of their family, leaving for the young brother just a small cottage and a star fruit tree.

Every day, the young brother poured water into a star fruit tree. In next to no time, the star fruit tree blossomed and had a lot of star fruits. The young brother took the star fruits and went to supermarket sold them. He just had enough money to buy a little rice to eat.

One day, a huge eagle flew to a star fruit tree. It ate the star fruits. The young brother was very sad. He said:” You ate my star fruits, I will be starve.” And he cried.

A huge eagle replied:” Eat star fruits to pay gold; tomorrow bring the three feet bags to take the gold.”

A next day, a huge eagle came and picked up the young brother and flew through forests, over mountains, through a very wide and deep sea to a big island.The island was filled with gold. The young brother became a rich person.

He bought the farms, orchards, he planted a lot of fruit trees, he praised up animals. He created a lot of jobs for everybody. The small village became populous and wealthy.

In contrast, old brother was too lazy, he only to squandered his money and was a playboy, increasing deteriorating, gradually sold off the wealth of their parents.

He saw his young brother who suddenly become rich. He insisted his young brother changed for him a star fruit tree. He wished:"One day the huge eagle would come back to eat the star fruit, so he could be very rich again."

But he was too greedy. he brought a ten feet bag, he took a lot of gold. It was too heavy for the huge eagle to carry, and lost his balance, so he fell into the sea and disappeared.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Last week, I was listing in computer at ESL class. My friend who sat near me, she was reading the lessons in her computer. Suddenly, I heard someone call me:" Dung, can you help me?"
I took off my headphones and put them on the table. And I went to my friend to help her.
Afterward, I came back my computer, and continued listening, but I didn't hear anything. I turn up the volume, but I still didn't hear anything. I turn up one more time, so no sound. I checked my headphone once more, and I realized my headphone were on the ears my friend. At that moment, my friend looked at me and we both realized, We are wearing each others' headphones! Just both burst out laughing.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cover letter.

Dear hiring manager.

My name is Dung Nguyen, I am writing to apply for a position as a designer.

I’m interested in about fashion. I used to work as a seamstress, and I also am a designer too. I have over 10 years of experience working at this job in my country. I have had a passion for this work since I was young. I can design and make a new style following the customers request. I always respect the idea and favorites of customers. I love my job.

I am a hard worker, I work fast and accurately; sometimes I also help my coworkers whenever I can. I like to work as a team player. I understand my responsibility, and I believe it’s very important to work together with everybody. I am also bilingual...

I usually think about a new style while I drive a car on the street, or whenever I have spare time. I use the leftover material to make a new style. I can readjust the mistakes of the fabric so that it becomes a new design.

I can work in anywhere. I like to look at the people who wear the beautiful clothing I design. They became attractive people and classy people. So I think the products of company will both satisfy market fashion and become new models in the future.

Working at clothing design is my dream, and I hope will be able to use my abilities soon.


Dung Nguyen.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Homeschooling: The benefits.

Children often take advantage of outside as: museums, parks, libraries…

They have a lot of opportunities in their life. And they impact outside more schooling.

But homeschooling is only good for kindergarten, because after they grow up, they need to learn more high level, so the parents will be spending a lot of money for the tutor. It’s very expensive.

In homeschooling has bad student environment. Some students who are denied in publish school, and then their parents must to send them to homeschooling, so the children will be influent with bad student.

Schooling: The benefits.

School discipline will be better for children. They must to learn, play, eat, bread on time, because they had scheduled before by their teacher. They have to know tomorrow what they learn. They would catch something they learn, and remember quickly and accurate, and they feel comfortable after they finish.

And parents don’t worry about paying in money for school.

The publish school is very good for children in the United Stated.

After children gradual they will find a job easy.

Several schools are well known and popular, we must to concern about the education of our children. It’s very important for children in their future.

In my own experience the schooling is better than homeschooling.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My own experience for schooling and homes schooling. when I had a first child, he was 6 years old. Every morning, I usually took him to the park near my home for him to play a bout 20 minutes before him to school. One day, he told me:" Mom I want to play soccer with my friends in the park before I go to school". I disagreed. I thought, he was too small ages and his friends the same. They had to need their parents took care. They couldn't play themselves without their parents.
Every afternoon, after my son came home from school, he ate dinner at 6 p.m. He was permitted to watch TV 30 minutes, but only cartoons. And he took a shower before he was finished homework, and went to bed.
Every week, he has swum twice a week. In my country, elementary school off on Thursday and Saturday, so he had along break time.
I schedule full time for my son. I didn't want him to have spare time because he had to learn more English, music, sport. It would be convenient for him when he grew up.
And in the summer I usually took my children to the beach, before they going to start a new school year. And in school also was the best safety for children.
Several years later, when my son and his friends grew up, he had two friends on his groups infected HIV and when they only were 18 years old. It's very dangerous if without adult take care them.
I think schooling or homeschooling must to combine for children to feel comfortable and happy in their life. And we have to notice ours children when they watch TV. What kind do they watch TV?. Is it appropriate with their ages?. How many hours they watch TV?. We have to limit our children. It's very important in their future. Although, the children go to school or at home, we must to know what do they like? and what they don't like?. We must be concerned about our children more and more...
Schooling : The benefits
Children must to learn, play, eat, break on time, because they had scheduled before by their teacher. They had to know tomorrow what did they learn? They would be caught something they learn, and remember quickly and accurate. And they fell comfortable after they finish.
School discipline will be better for children.
Homeschooling: The benefits.
Children often take advantage of outside as: museums, parks, library... They have a lot of opportunities in their life. And they impact out side more schooling. They don't worry about the time. They think anything will be done.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Bad Experience...

Dear New Immigrant,
Just last week, I got hired by a classmate. I didn't have experience. I thought about it simply. She was going through a divorce. She cried and told me to help her pick up her children at school. She would to pay me. She took a copy of my green card copy, social security number, driver's license, and apply to Department of Social & Health Services (DSHS). She told me:" Government will pay for me."
Every day at 8:00a.m I drove my car and took her children to the bus, and I went to the supermarket bought some foods for her family. And at 11:00 a.m I picked up her children came home. I worked for her for several days . Finally, I asked her:" How much will you pay for me? Do you pay for me hourly or monthly?". Did you sign the contract I gave you? She suddenly was angry, and didn't answer me. After that, she called me and gave me only $40 dollars for the 4 days I worked at her home.

I asked her to return my green card copy, social security number, and driver's licence, but she didn't return my documents. I called her over 10 times, but she didn't answer. I went to her house and called her, she didn't open the door. I still haevn't gotten my copies back.
I want to write a letter to new immigrants about my experience be careful when you find a job. Always ask for schedule and contract before you work. And don't give away your information.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I lived in a small backward country, uneducated and with a lack of knowledge. After the war ended, the just lile everyone else, my family wanted to move to an other country, but we couldn't afford it. I tried several times to leave my country, but did not succeed. I had to work a lot; I lost track of time. In my mind I was constantly, thinking about how much I wanted to leave. I always thought about it .
For a long time, I was married; I have two children, I still think I will be to go to the U.S. I sent my children to English school.
In my country, the tuition for English school is very expensive, but I still struggled to earn money for my children to go to school. I hoped that one day my family would go to the U.S.
Today, I have an opportunity to came to U.S. I am very lucky, and happy. I want to open my hands to help all the immigrant people like me, and work together.
In my experience, we must to learn, and learn a lot. If we stumble, let's stand up and continue to go forward.